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1/8/2015 - For many families, backyard barbecues and neighborhood get togethers are an important summertime tradition. One South Dakota dairy farm family has taken that tradition to another level … and it is one of the many reasons they were honored in December 2014 with the first Agvocate of the ... Read More
1/5/2015 - by Rebecca Christman
2014 is finished and we’ve already started a new year. With the start of each year comes New Year’s resolutions. If you’re like me, your resolutions often focus on eating right and staying healthy.
Nutrition isn’t important just for peop... Read More
12/30/2014 - By: Rebecca ChristmanQuestions answered by: Lori Tonak
Most of the time we think of farmers doing hard work out in the fields and not hunched over a desk. In December however, many farmers are spending long hours to get caught up on year-end bookwork.
Just like any business f... Read More
12/22/2014 - by: Rebecca Christman
We’re a few days away from Christmas and just like everyone else, farmers are preparing for the holiday. Gift shopping is done and travel plans have been made. But, Christmas for farmers is a little different than it is for the rest of us.
Animals don’t ta... Read More
12/15/2014 - By: Rebecca Christman
Compared to the constant rush of spring, summer and fall on the farm, winter is a slower season. So you might be asking yourself, what do farmers do in the winter? Some people might have visions of farmers sitting on the couch for four months when it’s coldest out,... Read More
12/15/2014 - By: Rebecca Christman12/8/14
Growing up on a farm meant that we always had a lot of animals around. If you visited our house today you would find cattle, sheep, goats, horses, chickens, cats, and dogs. Out of all these animals, one of my favorites would have to be the dogs. My dad... Read More
12/12/2014 -
For many, the Christmas season provides an opportunity to take time off to spend with friends and family. Whether it is traveling to visit relatives, or just having a few extra days to spend at home, it is often a time for a much-needed break.
For South Dakota’s farm and ranch f... Read More
12/1/2014 - If you’re like most people you would probably like more information about the food you eat. Lucky for you, there are many farmers out there that are more than willing to share their story. Farmers are blogging, tweeting, and facebook-ing about their daily lives and the food they produce.... Read More
11/13/2014 - The Farmer’s Daughter11/13/14Preparing for winter
by: Rebecca Christman
I know this is something we don’t like to talk about, but winter is right around the corner. If you’re like us, you might have had your first snowfall of the season. This past week farmers were ... Read More
11/3/2014 - As Thanksgiving nears, turkey is a hot topic. Discussions of how to prepare, how to serve and what to do with leftovers from the traditional holiday feast take center stage in many families.
But for Ruben Waldner, turkeys are a top priority all year long. Ruben is responsible for ... Read More