Posted: 12/28/2015
By: Rebecca Christman
It’s hard to believe that 2015 is already at an end. South Dakota Farm Families has now officially completed their 11th year in existence and it was a whirlwind! Below you’ll find my top 10 favorite moments of 2015.
1. Working with amazing volunteers. Ninety-nine percent of the events we put on wouldn’t be possible without our volunteers and they return to help us multiple times throughout the year. Thank you!! |
2. Visiting classrooms during National Ag Week, and then getting back these cute thank-you notes. |
3. Eating this delicious hunk of pork at the Know Your Farmer Dinner at Red Steakhouse in Vermillion. All of the restaurant events we hosted had delicious food, but this one takes the cake. |
4. Breakfast on the Farm. It’s one of my favorite events during the year. Parents and children explore the Ode family dairy, Royalwood Farms, participate in kids activities, and served a pancake breakfast. This year we had over 1,000 attendees, and we’re hoping to make the event even better next year! |
5. Hosting the Know Your Milk tour at Boadwine Farms. Parents and kids explored the farm, met baby calves, and spoke with the SD Dairy Princess about dairy in South Dakota. |
6. Spending a summer evening with local farmers and consumers on the Farms After Five tours. |
7. Serving milk, ice cream, pork sandwiches, and beef sandwiches with our partner organizations at fairs throughout the summer.
8. Visiting on the radio with Bill Zortman and Jim Woster before our upcoming events. I can’t think of a better team to share radio airtime with! |
9. The annual luncheon. I had a great time catching up with our volunteers and supporters. We also recognized Heidi Selken, our second recipient of the AgVocate of the Year award. |
10. Meeting new people and catching up with old friends.Whether meeting a new farmer that has agreed to do a tour for us, or seeing a friend I was in 4-H with show up on a bus tour, I love running in to people at our events. |
The is not a complete list of all the great things that happened during the year at South Dakota farm families. We hosted many more open houses, bus tours, and education events that aren’t listed here. Thank you again to all of our fantastic volunteers that helped us out in 2015. See you in the new year!
Listen to this week's radio segment here: FARMERS_DAUGHTER-DEC_28TH.mp3
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