"I Believe in the Future of Agriculture" campaign supports future of SD agriculture
Posted: 10/1/2014
(Gettysburg, SD.) – Support local FFA chapters and create a positive future for rural SD; that is the goal of the 2014 "I believe in the future of Agriculture" campaign. FFA develops our future farmers, ranchers, agriculture employees and community leaders. The ag industry recognizes the value of supporting agriculture education and how FFA today builds leaders and employees for tomorrow. Together, local elevators are launching the I Believe in the Future of Agriculture campaign with the South Dakota FFA Foundation. Agriculture producers, FFA supporters and alumni can turn their words into deeds by donating grain or funds to support local FFA chapters through their local elevators.
“The I Believe in the Future of Agriculture campaign allows for a unique way to support local FFA chapters, and FFA across the state of South Dakota.” Sandy Osterday, South Dakota FFA Foundation Board President says. “Resources collected will have a direct impact on our number one priority—young people in agriculture.”
Redfield, SD area farmer, JP Heber says, " "I believe in the future of agriculture and this program ensures FFA will be here for future generations. This is an easy way for us, as farmers to donate and make a direct impact on our local schools. It only takes a few bushels to make a big difference to an FFA chapter. I hope that by giving to these chapters we will be leading by example, showing the members how much local farmers care about the future of agriculture - the FFA students!"
Grain and funds will be collected at these locations: ADM Benson Quinn - Hitchcock Tulare; Ag First Farmers Cooperative - Aurora; Cargill in Emery, Parker & Vienna; Central Farmers Cooperative in Canova, Dimock, Freeman, Lyons, Marion, Montrose, Salem, Viborg; Harrold Terminal, LLC; Country Pride Cooperative in Burke, Dallas, Fairfax, Wagner, Winner; CHS Marshall Region - Elkton; CHS Midwest Cooperatives in Pierre, Blunt, Onida, Philip, Draper & Kadoka; Miller Terminal; North Central Farmers Elevator in Bowdle, Craven, Faulkton, Hague, Harrold, Herreid, Highmore, Huron, Ipswich, Java, Lebanon, Leola, Miller, Northville, Onaka, Pierre, Pollock, Redfield, Strasburg, Tulare, Warner, Wecota; Northern Plains CHS Service Centers in Dupree, Eureka, Faulkton, Gettysburg, Isabel, Selby, and in ND at Ashley & Strasburg; Southwest Grain in Lemmon; and SD Wheat Growers at Aberdeen West Terminal, Alpena, Andover, Berlin, Bristol, Carpenter, Chamberlain, Columbia, Cresbard, Grebner Terminal Aberdeen, Hecla, Highmore, Huron Receiving, Kennebec, Mansfield, McLaughlin, Mellette, Redfield Elevator, Redfield Energy, Reliance, Roscoe, St. Lawrence, Tulare, Wessington Springs, Willow Lake, Wolsey Grain, Yale.
The funds raised from the I Believe in the Future of Agriculture campaign will be split equally between the local chapters designated by the donor and the South Dakota Foundation. At the local level, the funds will support local FFA chapters with leadership programming, community service activities and other innovative projects that promote agriculture. The other funds, at the state level, will be used to support statewide programs, grow the capacity of FFA chapters—both current and potential new chapters—and ensure leadership for the organization into the future.
Heber adds, "In agriculture we take care of each other and that is exactly what this program allows us to do. We are directly affecting the organization that is growing the future agriculturists necessary for our industry to not only survive but thrive. The agricultural skills FFA teaches is what feeds, clothes, and shelters the world. The skills taught are not that common anymore. Everyone wants to be doctors, lawyers, computer technicians, or CEO's, which are needed, but look around - the trades FFA offers like welding, building trades, farming, mechanic, and ranching are in high demand. This is a simple thing we as farmers can do to help ensure today's FFA members are linking the raw commodity to what keeps the communities and schools rolling."
For more information about the campaign, contact Gerri Ann Eide, South Dakota FFA Foundation Executive Director, at 605-765-4865 or gerri@sdffafoundation.org.
The mission of the South Dakota FFA Foundation is to provide an avenue of funding which will stimulate, promote and support the best interests of FFA students to create an awareness of agriculture careers, agri-business opportunities and the needs of a growing and diversified industry.
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