Emery Pearson: FFA has Something for Everyone
Posted: 2/14/2022
Emery Pearson: FFA has Something for Everyone
Guest Blog written by Emery Pearson, Tri-Valley FFA
FFA week is on its way. Coming up On February 19-26, every FFA chapter gets to celebrate their organization. Some may choose to make posters for each of their ag education classes. Some might do coloring contests; some may even have their FFA member teach in-person to younger students. Here at Tri-Valley, we do it all.
On Monday, February 19, we kick the whole week off with lessons for the younger kids. Those continue through Wednesday and can be anything from seeing how popcorn is made to making butter or testing milk from animals. All grades from kindergarten to fifth are signing up for their ag education class with our FFA members. This year we have our kindergarteners making butter and our second graders making popcorn. Ensure that you check with your FFA advisor to see what your school is doing to celebrate FFA week.
You may be asking yourself why FFA week is so important. Agriculture is a dying art, one that we need very much. FFA started as an organization to prepare the future farmers of America. But since then, it has turned into so much more. FFA strives to build personal confidence, public speaking abilities, and strong leadership qualities. However, we didn't lose the agricultural edge to our organization.
One thing that FFA is involved in is called a CDE, also known as a career development event. There are categories like Ag mechanics. Ag mechanics can build up the member's knowledge of different oils, different types of engines, and so much more. They test machine systems, troubleshoot problems, and perform repairs on machinery. Another CDE that you can compete in is agronomy. Members that compete in agronomy memorize the identification of over 100 seeds and the mounts that they belong to. They also test different weather that crops thrive in or what conditions they need to survive. More CDE's that you can compete in include vet science, natural resources, floriculture, and so many more that you can learn more about from your FFA advisor.
Although CDEs are fun, FFA still offers more, like leadership development events or LDE. LDE's are primarily focused on the leadership of the members. You can compete in team events like Parliamentary Procedures and ag sales, or you can do individual events like creed speaking, job interviews, and so much more. Yet another competition you can do is known as Agriscience.
Agriscience allows students to pick a topic that they are passionate about and experiment with it. For example, how different floor dry products clean up oil spills or how plants are affected by different colors of light. Agriscience offers so much freedom to its participants.
In any of these competitions, you can go to Nationals. National FFA Convention is the most significant event that FFA hosts and it brings people from all around the country together to compete against each other in LDE's, CDE's, Agriscience, and so much more. National FFA is a three-day event that typically brings up to 65,000 people to listen to FFA band and choir, whether they are competing or there.
As you can see, FFA is so much more than just our farmers, and within LDE's, CDE's, Agriscience, band, and choir, FFA has something for everyone.
Emery also shared FFA week on KELO It's Your Agribusiness. Listen to her segment here