Help Even More Animals in 2011

Posted: 1/4/2011

Posted By:  Kelly Nelson

"Help even more animals in 2011!"  This is the title of an email I recently received from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA.)  I didn't subscribe to the PETA list, but I think someone with a sense of humor decided to sign me up for about every animal rights and vegan-related email they could think of.   The joke is on them, though, because seeing the email messages from these groups has given me an insight on how they operate and spread misinformation about farmers and modern agriculture.

I clicked on the email and continued to read the message.  This is what it said.

Dear Kelly,

How's the vegan pledge treatin' ya? Are you still gung ho and inspired about your new way of eating? Or could you use a little extra push to stay on track? I must admit, it's always easier-and more enjoyable-to share the experience with others.

Did you know that being vegan saves more than 100 animals every single year? That's right-with tens of billions of animals being killed for food annually, it's a simple lesson in supply and demand: the fewer animals we eat, the fewer animals who will be raised for food in the first place.

The more family members, friends, and coworkers you get to join you in going vegan, the more animals you will save. Just think-asking three friends to join you will save 300 animals this year! And five friends will save 500 animals!

Need help convincing them to make the compassionate choice? Show them this video and sign the pledge to go vegan in 2011.

Thanks for taking a stand for animals!

Jenny Lou Browning
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

I won't be taking any pledge to go vegan.  However, if I did not grow up on a farm, had never been to a farm, or never met a farmer or rancher and saw the care and dedication they have to caring for their animals and the environment, then maybe I would consider it.  The video they suggest watching is pretty graphic and disgusting.  I surely hope in most of those situations those responsible were prosecuted for their actions.  What perhaps disgusts me just as much is that PETA makes the actions in this video seem like everyday practice for every farmer and rancher in America.

If I was someone who did not know any better I would think it was how every farm operates.  This organization uses many editing techniques and dirty tactics to get the negative footage that will convince unknowing, well-meaning people to donate money and support their vegan agenda. 

You never see videos from PETA showcasing how the overwhelming majority of farmers and ranchers care for their livestock.  PETA most definitely does not show the farmer who brings a few calves into his basement during a winter snowstorm.  They never show footage of a dairy farmer out helping a cow give birth at 2am or a farmer out feeding his cows in the zero below weather, when most of us are inside our warm houses. 

It is the few "bad actors" they showcase.  Unfortunately, it is rarely the hard-working dedicated farmers and ranchers who are featured in news coverage. 

This is why farmers and ranchers need to continually be telling our story.  Take along a video camera when you go to the barn or get in the tractor.  Set up a YouTube page or a blog and post those videos, and explain what you are doing.  Instead of letting animal rights organizations who know nothing about farming tell our story, let's take back agriculture's story and flood the internet with truthful positive messages about animal agriculture. 

Here are a few videos of farmers and ranchers who are telling their story on YouTube.  Check out their channels and videos and share them with your friends.  Please share any other South Dakota area videos you think consumers should see.

Video from America's Heartland about South Dakota Dairy Princess Emily Jungemann

Therealfarmgirl - Laura Nielson, Crooks farmer

Shescountrysd - Ange Kapperman, Humboldt farmer

Smseifert5 - Orange Patch Dairy, Shannon Seifert, Southern Minnesota

FarmersFeedUs - Several farm families featured on this channel as well as eight South Dakota farm families.


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