4th Grade Winner: Ashton

Posted: 3/17/2016


By: Ashton, Menno School

My favorite South Dakota raised product would be lambs. Lambs can be a fun project to raise, they have wool which can be made into sweaters and other woolen products, or they can be made into chislic, lamb chops, and many other meats. In fact did you know that chislic was made in Hutchison County and that is where live! My dad has us raise lambs, in fact we have one now, her name is Ella. She's really fun, it's a great project for kids! Did you now that in 1999, an oil spill occurred near Philip                     Island Australia, the Philip Island penguins were fitted into wool sweaters, the wool prevented them from being poisoned by the oil. Sheep can also be used as research models to study diseases and surgical techniques.

Sheep wool can also be used for many other products. Baseball or tennis wouldn't be here if it weren't for sheep, as baseballs and tennis balls are made out of wool! Even stranger than that, piano keys, crayons, buttons, candles, combs, toothbrushes, shaving cream, tires, pet food ingredients, soap, dice, chewing gum, felt tip pens, glue, jewelry, make up, shampoo and conditioner, sheep cheese, and even explosives are made from sheep!? Wow just think, something sooooooooo soft can be made into something sooooooooo deadly! That's why my favorite South Dakota raised product would be sheep… or lambs which ever one you want to call it!


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